Monday, November 23, 2009

The Missing Link

By Yuri Solomon

The daughter of a dear friend of mine, complained to her mom about having to go to the museum of natural science to see “Lucy.” She asserted, “Mom I don’t believe we come from monkeys, so why should I have to go see Lucy.” “Lucy” is the name given to the famous fossil skeleton that American anthropologist Donald Johanson found in Ethiopia in 1974. Lucy purports to be the so-call, and dare I say mythical, "missing link." The missing link is the long sought after transitional form between species that evolutionist count on breathing the breath of life into their theory on the day it is discovered. Specifically, scientific proponents of evolution claim that Lucy is a 3.2 million year old hominoid bearing the cross features of primates and Homo sapiens (or humans.)

The exhibit has now made its way to our city and is on display in the museum of natural science. While many Christians may have little interest in this, the fact is we need to pay attention. They march our children down to the museum and fill their heads with these God-denying fables of man evolving from apes. Christians certainly should be concerned about this, yet not fearful. It merits our concern, first because Satan specializes in the tactical use of schemes to capture the attention of unsuspecting victims of his temptation, as he did Eve in the Garden of Eden. The hook line, “Has God said that you shall not eat of any of the trees of the garden,” was extreme and meant to make her more susceptible to subtler ideas that opposed God’s word. Secondly, as we are concern about teaching and training children, and perhaps many adults, in the difference between a Christian/Biblical worldview and a secular worldview.

So in light of these concerns, what simple things should Christians remember when approaching this subject? First and foremost Christians must realize, although passed off as science, evolution is not science. This statement may be surprising; however, science is definitively a hypothesis which can be empirically proven in a laboratory repeatedly. Evolution stops at being a hypothesis, and moreover falls far short of even being that, given the weight of evidence to the contrary (which evidences will not be discussed in this article.) Evolution fails every test of any sort that may be called legitimate science. Evolution is an unobservable theory, a belief, which its proponents desperately want to prove true, and the present hope of their glory is in Lucy. Christians can rest assured that evolution is only a belief and not a fact. Christian faith is in the words of scripture concerning creation, while the evolutionist trusts in their own unfounded reasoning and rationale about creation.

Secondly, Christians may find assurance in the fact that biblical truth cannot and will not ever be discredited. No one in all of history has ever proven that the assertions of scripture err. The opposite is true of these supposedly transitional forms. The reality is that Lucy is the latest attempt to substantiate the clearly defunct theory of Darwinian Evolution. She is in the back of the line of a long list of frauds and failures. There was Piltdown Mann (1890s), Peking Man (1912,), Homo erectus (1927) and the list goes on, always ending in virtual scandal to the dismay of the proponents of evolution. So Lucy is certainly not the first and probably will not be the last of these futile attempts at proving faulty theory. The reason the proponents of evolution are so oppose to our view being voiced in the public forum is because they know that their evidence is lacking; therefore, if your argument cannot be proven true, then the next course of action is to keep your opponents from asserting their position.

Lastly Christians should not inadvertently adopt their approach, seeking to forcefully silence the evolutionist. The truth will stand all on its own, and bring falsehood to shame. So then the appropriate response is to be bold in faith, allowing what they believe to be tested for its soundness, so that their faith will be increased by seeing the truth stand against its critics. Encourage our children to hear out the world’s rationale, especially while they have you by their side to help them reason well. Allow the light of God’s revelation to shine brightly against the dark theories of the world. It is the divine cultural mandate that our faith is placed on display in the market place of ideas. So go to their exhibitions. Hear the theories of the world. Test them in light of the scripture and hold on to what proves to be true. Tested faith is real faith.

Darwin predicted that the fossil record would either prove or falsify his theory; over a century later, the missing link remains undiscovered. Lucy is but another attempt at saving this doomed theory. The missing link is not a transitional form of any species; the missing link is "faith" that God created the heavens and the earth and he made every kind to produce after its own kind. The Christian may be confident that these words of scripture will always be true and no human theory can or will make this brilliant reality fade.

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